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When I Was A Kid, We Had Snow Days

A gigantic winter storm has hit the eastern half of Canada over the last few days, so we've seen our share of cancellations. But thanks to the internet, it’s difficult to call a snow day when you work from home.

On the bright side, you can stay in your cozy clothes, cook a great lunch, and have a very productive, distraction-free day.

If you're not already setup with an office-less office, you need to be!

Imagine a home office with no paper. Scan everything you need with OCR (Optical Character Recognition), then recycle the rest. Faxes coming to your inbox. Your laptop accessing your server as well as your office desktop.

It’s not taking your work home, it’s having the freedom to work anywhere!

Literally everything you need can be contained on (or wirelessly connected to) a little Lenovo ThinkPad.

While that does mean it’s easier to stay up late and work on your vacation, we're counting on you to use some self-discipline to enjoy your life when the work day is done.

Lifehacker is also preparing for winter emergencies and even made a guide to staying connected when the power goes out!

Are you using the no-office solution? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!