
Our Blog

Take Some Time to Appreciate You

The lovely 99 percent has provided yet another great point to consider with their post “Peak creative moments.”

We can often get lost in doing and forget about appreciating our creative efforts. It’s always on to the next! This makes us feel like we’re constantly running...

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Your Brain is Just a Muscle

Do I have your attention? Do you think I can keep it?

Kolbe says that we often focus on the things that make us happy and ignore other responsibilities of life. Similarly, while your Unique Ability might give you energy-life dictates what to do in those less than unique categories.

Clay Johnson...

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Real World Tales of Surviving the Recession

The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur put a call out to its readership for lessons learned from the latest recession and then published 206 of them.

The overall theme: people will buy what you are selling if it’s a quality product.

If you're serious about being an entrepreneur, persistence and...

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Keep it Simple by Doing Less

Infomatix is all about efficiency. We recently wrote a blog post on the Pomodoro Technique, which helps you focus on one task at a time in order to complete those projects.

The multitasking culture has become increasingly prevalent as more jobs require employees to be always connected and...

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The Livin' May be Easy but You Still Have to Work

The office is a sleepy place come the summer. The few remaining employees are daydreaming at their desks, holiday energy is flowing through people who are leaving for some time off, and even those of us staying in town can’t help but feel sluggish as soon as we get that first blast from an...

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